Monday, November 29, 2010

Pros and cons

Today I ?celebrate? my first near miss. Some stupid fat Samoan type woman cut me off by turning into the Porirua Council area on Prosser Street. I came to a screeching halt about 20cm from the car. The passenger in the back seat certainly saw and heard that I was upset. You get a real fright and I couldn't help but swear. Ringing my bell to warn her of impending doom had absolutely no effect.

On the positive side; last week Friday I had a really good run up the first hill from work, and then a brave fast run down the on the other side. The rattling shook loose the icecream container full of office compost and it fell on the centre line. A nice lady stopped her car and waited for me to find a lamp post to balance my bike against, and retreive said compost (still in container). Meanwhile about 8 cars had backed up behind her. I said thank you at the time, but would like to thank this lady again for being a considerate and defensive driver.

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